From Castelveccana to Luino: 10 km of history on the Lake
Castelveccana, Sarico, Porto Valtravaglia, Germignaga e Luino.
These are the main steps along a historical-cultural itinerary on the shores of Lake Maggiore, between churches, fortresses and enjoy breathtaking views.
Symbols of history and culture of the Lake in those areas are: the Rock of Castelvaccana, the Church of Saint Veronica (pictured in evidence), the Romanesque Church of San Giorgio, the Church of Santo Stefano and Santa Maria and testimonies of industrial archaeology, as the factory Stehli.
Villages of fishermen and artisans, but also poets and artists. The actor and Nobel Laureate Dario Fo has spent his childhood in these places (Porto Valtravaglia), who gave birth also to Piero Chiara and Vittorio Sereni (Luino), or to naïve painter Genesio Boldrini (Sarigo).
Culture and nature come together in various tourist routes, among which you can choose, spending your free time on one of the most scenic stretches of the coast of Lake Maggiore.